Project Description
IMED has been conducting special monitoring, review and evaluation tasks for the project titled “Ashrayon-2” being implemented by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). “Geo-Planning for Advanced Development (GPAD)” is conducting the mentioned monitoring, review & evaluation tasks of Ashrayon-2 project since September 2022. The main objective of this project is the in-depth monitoring of the project. The main objective of the project is to resettle many landless and homeless people in the country under the supervision of the Prime Minister's Office. Here, GPAD conducts different categories of surveys as a consultant part of IMED. Within this study, we are conducting questionnaire survey, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Person Interview (KII) methods for qualitative data collection and analysis; In Addition, Case studies and monitoring actual conditions. An internal committee of IMED, headed by the undersigned, led the tasks. supported in designing the questionnaire for the beneficiaries, developing a digital platform for conducting the interview and conducting the in-person survey of about 1000 households from 18 Upazillas of 18 Districts of 8 Divisions.