Mr. Susith Arambepola
Mr. Susith Arambepola is a vast sagacity person of 44+ working experience in the field of Disaster Risk Management, Urban Risk management, Natural Resources and Environmental management, Nature Based Solutions for Disaster Resilience building and Climate change adaptation, Climate change adaptation & Climate Risk Management, Disaster Risk Management Policy formulation, planning and policy implementation strategy development and Climate & Environmental Justice. Specialist in DRR & CCA policy development, policy formulation, Strategy development, Institutional development
and skills in DRR recovery planning, contingency and response planning, Preparedness planning. Specialist in landslide hazard zonation mapping, vulnerability & risk assessment, Early Warning, mitigation planning & design, landslide induced resettlement planning. Skills in Training curriculum development and delivery of training programme in subject areas such Urban Governance and risk management, Multi-hazard Disaster Risk Management, Community Based Disaster Risk Management, Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management Monitoring and Evaluation. He is the member & Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, U.K., Engineering Council U.K., Institution of
Engineers Sri Lanka, Engineering Council, Sri Lanka, International Society of Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering U.K and Sri Lanka Geo-technical Society. His luxurious abroad experience in 16(Sixteen) countries, such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Iran, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Switzerland, Thailand

Mr. Mohammad Abdul Wazed
Mr. Mohammad Abdul Wazed has a massive sapience of 40+ working experience in the field of various sectors of GoB. He was the key person for ensuring that the company complies with its obligations relating to the health, safety, and welfare at work of its workers, Guide data collection and publication of reports on national accounts, GDP, HIES, and econ. dev. etc., supervise programs on DRR & CCA, social protection, disaster, and training met under health and safety legislation. under health and safety legislation. Support the Chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of the Management Committee. Ensuring meetings are effectively organized and minted. Maintaining effective records and administration. Policy issues on food procurement & distribution, disaster management, prep Act, policy & plans. Assisted Special Assistance Project for Cyclone Affected Rural Households. The project was designed and implemented to support the recovery of livelihoods of the affected rural communities in the South-Eastern coastal belt of the country affected by a devastating cyclone (category 4) that hit on 29th April of 1991. This was a multi-sectoral project involving agriculture input and livestock distribution to the beneficiaries, plantation on the coastal strip, construction of cyclone shelters, re-construction of polders and embankments, educational institutions, water management through small irrigation, health and sanitation coverage and distribution of loan through banks for ultimate recovery. Worked as District Research Manager in the Operations Project of ICDDR, B on Rural Child and Maternal Health and Family Planning. His luxurious abroad experience in 16(Sixteen) countries of the following: Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Philippines, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the USA.

Md. Anisur Rahman
Mr. Anisur Rahman is working in Disaster and Risk Sensitive Landuse Planning Sector in the last 20 years. He has expertise in the field of Disaster Risk Assessment, Urban Land Use Planning, Urban Environmental Management, Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness. Previously he worked at Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Bangkok, he was aslo involved as Town Planner at Rajshahi Development Authority (RDA) and Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) of the Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh. He also served as Urban Planner of the Development Design Consultants Limited, a Consulting firm for research and development. Mr. Rahman studied at Khulna University, Bangladesh for his Graduation in Urban and Rural Planning, followed by his post graduate studies at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand where he obtained MSc. in Urban Environmental Management

Muhammad Murad Billah
Diligent GIS and RS Analyst having practical experience working with ArcGIS, QGIS, Erdas Imagine, GeoNode, Geoserver, Epicollect, etc. software for collecting geospatial information, developing GIS databases as well as conducting different types of geospatial analysis and data sharing through online platforms. Demonstrated skills in project management and coordination for large scale projects, communicating and collaborating with different agencies, participating geo-spatial community meetings as a focal person, organizing meeting, training, workshop & seminars at national and local level.

Rejaur Rahman
Managing Director
Mr. Rahman has more than 14 years of experience in Surveying (Drone Survey, Engineering Survey, RTK Survey, Topographic Survey, Traffic Count Survey, Social and Resettlement Survey, Landuse Survey, Physical Features Survey etc) and Application of GIS and RS in Urban Planning, Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, Hazard Mapping, Environmental Impact Assessment, Feasibility Study, Catchment Area Assessment, Land-use Planning, Ecological Assessment, Transport Planning, Drone Data Process, GIS and RS Training etc. I have sound knowledge and practical experience in the development of the base database (Land use, topography, physical features, socio-economic and cultural features database). I have practical experience in GPS Data Collection, RTK GPS data processing and data management. Completed specialized training on GIS and RS from ITC, Netherlands. I have completed PGD in Disaster Management from IDVS, the University of Dhaka, MSc in Disaster Management (MDM) from the University of Dhaka and MSc in GIS for Environment and Development from Jahangirnagar University. I have conducted more than 30 training courses on Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) Applications on the different field in Bangladesh last six and half years. More than 15 years working experience in GIS and Survey applications on spatial planning, transport planning, and disaster management field in Bangladesh, Thailand, Pakistan and Myanmar Proficiency in use of computer as working knowledge in Data Base Design and Management using MS Access, SPSS, GIS & Remote Sensing using QGIS, ArcGIS, MapWindow GIS, QGIS, Erdas Imagine, Map Server, GeoServer. KoBo Collect, Qfield, AutoCAD Civil 3D, WebGIS. Specialties: Data Management, Physical Feature Survey, Landuse Mapping, Base Map Preparation, Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, GIS Mapping

Muhammad Hasan Faisal Bhuiyan
Mr. Faisal is a management professional with experiences more than 15 years in the area of Project Management, Business Development, Capacity Building, Planning, Disaster Management, Climate Change Adaptation, Development Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation. Skilled in the leading team with diverse talents in carrying out program implementation, monitoring, and research works; experience in project management, operation, facilitation, etc

Md. Tazul Islam
Director, Operations
Mr. Tazul Islam has more than 14 years of experience in Logistics & Supply Chain Management, overseeing and controlling multiple functions also has 10 years of experience in a management position and also Project Logistics and Project management experience, Experience in both 3PL & 4PL logistics management, P&L management & cash flow control for the organization. He is Highly motivated and able to supervise diversified teams and manage relationships with all levels of staff and customers.

Sanjib Kumar Saha
Sanjib Kumar Saha, Masters in Agricultural Science, has 32 years of experiences in the areas of Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, Agriculture, Food & Livelihood Security; Project Management, Capacity Building & Rural Development; Research, Study and Assessment of Development Project; National and Regional Level Network, Coordination and Linkage Development; and Policy and Programme Review & Development on Agriculture, Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Finance. Has strong exposure to the public and private sector while worked for a long time with various govt ministries, research institutions, academia and civil societies. Has worked with the project/ programmes of almost all donors including DFID/UKaid, EU, SIDA, CIDA, AusAid, Norwegian Embassy/NORAD, DANIDA, ADB and World Bank; and has been working with UN System since 2003, in particular with FAO and UNDP

Professor Dr. Tania Rahman
Professor Dr. Tania Rahman worked for more than 30 years as an Academia at the Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka. She has expertise in Gender issues related research work, Management, Policy and Research, quantitative research methodology, baseline study both in quantitative and qualitative, analysis and report writing, qualitative research methodology, research policy analysis, socioeconomic development, Social science, Social work. She obtained PhD in Psychology from University of Dhaka, M.Sc. in Psychology from University of Dhaka, B,Sc. (Hons) in Phycology from University of Dhaka.

Md. Anisur Rahman
Mr. Anisur Rahman is working in Disaster and Risk Sensitive Landuse Planning Sector in the last 20 years. He has expertise in the field of Disaster Risk Assessment, Urban Land Use Planning, Urban Environmental Management, Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness. Previously he worked at Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Bangkok, he was aslo involved as Town Planner at Rajshahi Development Authority (RDA) and Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) of the Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh. He also served as Urban Planner of the Development Design Consultants Limited, a Consulting firm for research and development. Mr. Rahman studied at Khulna University, Bangladesh for his Graduation in Urban and Rural Planning, followed by his post graduate studies at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand where he obtained MSc. in Urban Environmental Management

AHM Mesbahur Rahman
Former Executive Engineer,

Muhammad Nuruzzaman
PGCB Ex Chief Engineer

Md. Aksed Ali
Former Chief Engineer

Md. Abdur Rahman
Former Specialist IWM & World Bank

S.M. Humayun
Former Deputy Team Leader, World Bank Project & ADB Project

Md. Tamzeed Al Alam
Former Electrical supervisor & construction scheduler, RMPL 1320 MW, Power Plant

Begum Mahmuda
Former Financial Controller, BREB Former Director, Power Cell

Tanusree Ranjan Das
Former individual Consultant, EGCP

Jemim Ara Mouri
Building Engineer & Construction Management, GPAD (Pre sent affiliation)

Mostaque Ahmed
Former Executive Engineer, BREB

Md. Sadman Mostafiz
Former individual Consultant, LGED

Md. Habibul Bashar Farid
Former Project Management, BWDB

Md. Moyzuddin (Sumon)
Deputy Manager (HR, Admin & Finance)

MD. Masud Rana
Jr. Account Officer

Md. Shazzadur Rahman
Jr. Officer HR & Admin

Md. Rasel Hossain
Assistant Manager(Survey)

Habibur Rahman
Assistant Manager (GIS & Survey)

Sheikh Md. Moniruzzaman
Assistant Manager (Urban Planning)

Roksana Razzak Retu
CAD Engineer

Shukur Talukder

Md. Sadman Mostafiz
Project Engineer

Md. Habibul Bashar Farid
Project Engineer

Md. Moazzem Hossain Millat
Jr. Project Coordinator

Md. Rakib Ahmed
GIS Operator

Md. Riad Hasan
GIS Operator

Md. Nyeem Islam
Survey Assistant

Sakil Ahmed
Jr. GIS Operator

Sagor Ahmed
GIS Assistant

Md. Ahad Talukder
Assistant Surveyor

Md. Hasibur Rahman
Jr. GIS Operator

Jony Ahmed
GIS Assistant

Sadia Nasrin
Jr. GIS Officer

Md. Rifat Hossen
Jr. GIS Operator

Md. Imrun Mahmud Emon
Jr. GIS Officer

Shahriar Ahmed Suzan
Jr. GIS Officer

Sakib Rahmatullah
Jr. GIS Officer

Md Sajib Miah
Jr. Documentation Officer

Md Jubayer Ahsan
System Project Manager and Scrum Master
Google-certified Project Manager, Scrum Master, and Agile Coach with over 12 years of expertise in software development and project management. Consistently achieves 80% - 90% release goal attainment through Servant Leadership. Proficient in leading cross-functional teams, conducting training, and enhancing productivity through Scrum practices. Adept at budgeting, risk management, and optimizing user experience. Strong communicator, problem solver, and advocate for collaboration.
Notable Projects:
SaaS Based School Management Systems
Web-Based Land Appeal Case Management System (Land Appeal Board )
Civil Suite Management System (Ministry of Land)
Audit Trail (Project Management System) - akorbi.com (USA)
E-commerce Websites (VIR - USA)
Rent Management System for Service Way (KSA)
IoT Based Petrol Station Automation System for Service Way (KSA)
Meter Billing system for Bangladesh Navy.
Geo Spatial Software for Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute(BARI).
Pooled Fund MIS Development for BRAC.
Web GIS based Dashboard for Bangladesh Railway

Adnan Mission
Software Engineer

Sajeeb Barai
Jr. Programmer

Nahida Akter
Jr. Programmer

Md Golam Mostofa
Jr. Office Manager