Project Description
Detailed narrative description of project: The ultimate goal of the Route survey works is to provide information and evidence base for Construction of Gas Transmission pipeline from Meghna ghat to Haripur of Narayanganj District. This will be done through preparation of hand drawing or GIS mapping and reconnaissance survey (existing Google map, image capture, GIS map); identification of residential areas, Buildings, Slums, River, Fields, Agricultural lands, Industries. To identify residential areas, Buildings, Slums, River, Fields, Agricultural lands, Industries for Construction of Gas Transmission pipeline from Meghna ghat to Haripur of Narayanganj District. The following scope of services would be taken into account while offering the consultancy service to GTCL (Gas Transmission Company Limited). • To conduct a Route survey the preparation of hand drawing or GIS mapping and reconnaissance survey, such GIS-based mapping exercise would help: to identify and analyses the routes; • To understand the behavior of the Low-Income Consumers, along with their socio-economic condition; estimation of total area; locations of of Meghna ghat to Haripur of Narayanganj District for Construction of Gas Transmission pipeline; • Finally to recommend an action plan and indicative budget for implementing an on-going, easy-to update and user-friendly data collection and management process, which could maintain the city map as accurate and relevant, so that it can act as an effective tool to assist GTCL’s investment and management planning.