Project Description
The main objectives of the projectare Inventory and Preparation of Geographical Map with Establishment of Geo-coordinate includingroads, buildings, variousinstallations, empty spaces,sewerage lines, water supply lines, gas transmission lines, telephone and internet lines etc. To achieve the main objective, the consultants have to provide services to the followings:
- Preparation of GIS Based Map using Drone Image Including Geographical Feature,Existing Road, River,Khal, Bridge and Culvert,Water bodies, all Structure etc.
- Ground trothingof GIS Base Map, PrepareGIS database and analysis GIS data
- Detail Base Maps of Existing PhysicalFeatures of the Project Area.
- Detail GIS Maps and database of Existing and Proposed Electrical Distribution Network using ArcInfo and Arc GIS 10.5
Detail GIS Maps of Proposed Underground Design.